In a trailer released today, Capcom showed off the first footage of the Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil Code Veronica HD remakes that are going to making their way to Xbox Live at some point this year (for more information on those games, please click the links above). While we presumed in the prior article that these would be Xbox Live Arcade games, the trailer released today suggests otherwise:

While it may seem like little more than the game appearing in a different section of the dashboard, if this news is true, it may well be bad news for players everywhere, as Games on Demand are notoriously expensive. Just a few weeks ago, Microsoft launched Halo: Reach, a game that's freely available in the shops for £15, for a ridiculous £49.99 on Games on Demand. The cheapest game on Games on Demand is 1600 points, or around £13, which is still more than we'd be expecting to pay for this.
We'll be contacting Capcom for more information, and hope to hear back soon.