We'd like to start this article by pointing out that Asteroids isn't exactly an easy game. One of the first proper games to be released, Asteroids involves piloting a small, triangular space ship around the screen, blowing up asteroids as they appear, all whilst avoiding fire from invading UFOs, and debris from the larger asteroids you've been chipping away at.
We're lucky if we can last five minutes without losing a life. So we're sure you can imagine how feel at todays news, that James McAllister has finally broken the high score record on Asteroids - a feat that took him 58 hours without sleep, and only sporadic breaks to achieve.

Using a strategy which involved racking up enough lives that he could afford to dash off to the toilet, and return before the game over, McAllister eventually clocked up a score of 41,338,740 - beating the previous score by just 2,300 points.
Unfortunately for McAllister, he's now got another long wait on his hands, as the high score won't be deemed official until the video has been approved by Twin Galaxies - the internet's equivalent of a regulatory body for arcade high scores.If you fancy trying to beat his high score (or you just fancy seeing how flipping hard it is for yourself), versions of Asteroids are available on the Xbox Live Arcade, and DS.