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Best PC Games for an 8 Year Old

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Age (3-11+):
Mature Content:
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Age by Complexity
One of the biggest problems when it comes to buying games for children is knowing whether your child will actually be able to cope with it. While the rating on the box gives you an idea about the content, it doesn't actually tell you anything about a game's complexity - so a text heavy strategy game can still have a 3+ rating on the box. In contrast, we give each game an "Ability Level" rating based on its difficulty, complexity and reading, known as EPALs, or Everybody Plays Ability Level (more info). By choosing an age above, you can filter our database by age, to find games you can be sure your child will be able to enjoy.
Mature Content
Knowing your child will be able to handle a game is great - but if it's full of swearing, violence, or sex, you still may not want your child playing it. This filter lets you set the absolute maximum level of Mature Content you'd be happy with.

Games in Green will contain, at the absolute most, very little, very mild swearing and cartoon, non-realistic violence; those in Orange may feature more frequent swearing, blood, and realistic impacts from weapons; while Red games may feature strong swearing, bloody violence, or explicit sex.
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If you're looking for the best PC games for an 8 year old, our experts are here to help. We've played, reviewed, and rated all of the biggest and best games, so you can be sure you're buying a game your child will love. Here's the list of our favourites, in order:

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles

Indie dev's cutesy farming-come-adventure game is definitely worth a look

Genre(s): Adventure


An old-fashioned platforming romp from the team behind Banjo-Kazooie? That's a recipe for a modern classic

Genre(s): Platform (3D)

Get Yooka-Laylee from...
Price correct as of 02:35, Thursday 11th of April 2024, may not include postage. More info

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens

We return to a galaxy far, far away, in one of the best LEGO adventures ever.

Genre(s): Platform (3D)

Get LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens from...
Price correct as of 08:26, Saturday 12th of December 2020, may not include postage. More info

LEGO The Hobbit

Middle Earth gets a bricky make-over as family friendly co-op fun visits Hobbiton

Genre(s): Adventure, Platform (3D)

Get LEGO The Hobbit from...
Price correct as of 17:05, Wednesday 10th of April 2024, may not include postage. More info

The Lego Movie Video Game

It's not like a great co-op film tie-in's gonna come out of nowhere - my gosssssh. Everything is awesome has never been more appropriate.

Genre(s): Platform (3D)

Get The Lego Movie Video Game from...
Price correct as of 16:24, Tuesday 9th of April 2024, may not include postage. More info

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

Assemble your Avengers! (And Fantastic Four, X-Men and, er, Rocket Raccoon), in this supercharged co-op LEGO adventure

Genre(s): Platform (3D)

Get LEGO Marvel Super Heroes from...
Price correct as of 05:05, Thursday 11th of April 2024, may not include postage. More info

Lego DC Super-Villains

EPAL Ability Level
Level 3
Content Rating

Make your own bad guy, in this incredible LEGO adventure

Genre(s): Platform (3D)

Lego: The Incredibles

EPAL Ability Level
Level 2
Content Rating

More co-op, more puzzles, and more Pixar cameos make this one of the best LEGO games so far

Genre(s): Platform (3D)


EPAL Ability Level
Level 3
Content Rating

Box-centric platformer brings quirky fun to consoles

Genre(s): Platform (3D)

LEGO City Undercover

Bring baddies to justice as Chase McCain in this upgraded LEGO cop drama

Genre(s): Adventure

LEGO Worlds

Co-op creation capers, in a LEGO game that lets you experiment, explore, and excavate

Genre(s): World Building

LEGO Jurassic World

A traditional LEGO adventure, LEGO Jurassic World is a co-op block-bashing, brick building tale that takes in all four Jurassic Park films, and offers hours and hours of fun.

Genre(s): Platform (3D)

Get LEGO Jurassic World from...
Price correct as of 11:07, Friday 2nd of July 2021, may not include postage. More info

Pure Pool

EPAL Ability Level
Level 2
Content Rating

Cheap and cheerful, there's plenty of fun to be had in this PS4 pool sim

Genre(s): Sports (Snooker/Pool)

Warplanes: WW2 Dogfight

EPAL Ability Level
Level 3
Content Rating

Dogfight bandits on the go with this WW2 arcade flight sim

Genre(s): Flight Simulation

Sonic Forces

With Sonic AWOL and Eggman on the rampage, a new hero appears...

Genre(s): Platform (3D)

Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2

Saving the galaxy, one obscure Marvel character at a time

Genre(s): Platform (3D)

Ben 10

EPAL Ability Level
Level 3
Content Rating

Ben 10's back in his latest TV tie-in bad guy bash 'em up

Genre(s): Beat 'em up

Sonic Mania

The blue blur returns in a old school inspired platformer - so get a load of this

Genre(s): Platform (2D)

Get Sonic Mania from...
Price correct as of 00:09, Thursday 11th of April 2024, may not include postage. More info

Birthdays the Beginning

A life sim that spans billions of years of evolution from the creator of Harvest Moon

Genre(s): World Building

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Price correct as of 05:16, Thursday 11th of April 2024, may not include postage. More info


Four player, co-operative cooking is as crazy as it sounds.

Genre(s): Mini-game

LEGO Marvel's Avengers

The Marvel Universe gets a LEGO going over once more, in the game of the films

Genre(s): Adventure, Platform (3D)

Citizens of Earth

A role playing game with a wicked sense of humour, Citizens of Earth has a lot in common with classic SNES game, Earthbound.

Genre(s): Role Playing Game (Turn Based Battles)

All-Star Fruit Racing

EPAL Ability Level
Level 2
Content Rating

A juicy little kart racer hits consoles, giving you a fun way to hit your four-player-split-screen-a-day

Genre(s): Racing (Arcade)

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom

EPAL Ability Level
Level 4
Content Rating

Rebuild your kingdom in this Ghibli-inspired fairytale role-playing adventure

Genre(s): Role Playing Game (Real Time Battles)

A Hat In Time

A cutesy collect-a-thon platformer with a focus on funky headgear

Genre(s): Platform (3D)

Cat Quest

EPAL Ability Level
Level 4
Content Rating

A purrfectly pun-tastic dragon-slaying adventure to save your cat-napped sister

Genre(s): Role Playing Game (Real Time Battles)

Tetris Ultimate

It's Tetris, Jim - and exactly as we know it

Genre(s): Puzzle (Falling Blocks)

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown

EPAL Ability Level
Level 4
Content Rating

Back in the skies, and back on track

Genre(s): Flight Simulation

Yoku's Island Express

EPAL Ability Level
Level 4
Content Rating

Saving an island from destruction, one delivery at a time in this cutesy pinball adventure

Genre(s): Platform (2D)

Lost Sphear

Get lost in this old-school role-playing adventure from the folks behind I Am Setsuna

Genre(s): Role Playing Game (Turn Based Battles)

Outcast: Second Contact

Almost 20 years ago, one game revolutionised adventure games. And now, it's been remade.

Genre(s): Adventure

Jump Stars

Mini-game madness comes to non-Nintendo consoles in this multiplayer mash-up

Genre(s): Mini-game

Portal Knights

Another block based world builder steps up to challenge for Minecraft's crown

Genre(s): Role Playing Game (Real Time Battles), World Building

Get Portal Knights from...
Price correct as of 15:46, Wednesday 10th of April 2024, may not include postage. More info


EPAL Ability Level
Level 1
Content Rating

The classic card game is back, but is it worth picking up?

Genre(s): Trivia, Card or Board Game

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet

We bring a sword to a gun fight in our review of this anime tie-in JRPG

Genre(s): Role Playing Game (Real Time Battles)

It's Quiz Time

A new quiz game from the makers of Buzz looks get you scratching your head

Genre(s): Puzzle (Logic and Brain Teasers)

Cities Skylines

City building games are few and far between on consoles - but Cities Skylines proves they can work

Genre(s): World Building

Get Cities Skylines from...
Price correct as of 01:31, Thursday 11th of April 2024, may not include postage. More info

DiRT 4

EPAL Ability Level
Level 4
Content Rating

Buckle up, and get ready to drift in the return of the rally king

Genre(s): Racing (Realistic)

Get DiRT 4 from...
Price correct as of 00:39, Wednesday 10th of April 2024, may not include postage. More info

Seasons After Fall

Prettiful puzzley platformer finally graces consoles

Genre(s): Platform (2D)

Flatout 4 (Fl4tout)

The mini-game master returns with a whole new mix of metal mashing mayhem.

Genre(s): Racing (Arcade)

Mantis Burn Racing

Four player split-screen racer tries to bring the spirit of Micro Machines to the next gen

Genre(s): Racing (Arcade)

The 39 Steps

Not so much man on the run, as man on a gentle stroll…

Genre(s): Point & Click

Get The 39 Steps from...
Price correct as of 09:06, Tuesday 25th of March 2025, may not include postage. More info

Chime Sharp

Musical block-based puzzler returns for a second go

Genre(s): Puzzle (Falling Blocks)

The Crew 2

EPAL Ability Level
Level 4
Content Rating

Air, sea and land racing - great! Always online requirement? Errrr....

Genre(s): Racing (Arcade)

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