As Christmas approaches, Frozen-mania seems to be gripping the nation once more. Easily one of Disney's most popular films to date, the festive franchise has gone from strength to strength, despite it being a full year since its original release. Youtube videos show parents and kids singing the notorious 'Let It Go', the soundtrack sits atop the charts for umpteen weeks running and every trip to the shops has at least one girl in full on Anna/Elsa regalia. In a matter of months Frozen even overtook Toy Story 3 to become the highest grossing animated film of all time, and while Iron Man 3 may be a place higher in the list of all-time biggest hits, you don't see many kids clad in armour quoting Robert Downey Jr. verbatim.
Of course, with an incredibly popular film comes an incredible range of tie-ins - toys galore, a video game (the thoroughly good Olaf's Quest) and now, even a make-up line ready for this Christmas. But for a film this popular, one gaming tie-in was never going to be enough, and now news comes of a fully-fledged Frozen version of the popular Singstar karaoke game, the cunningly named Singstar Frozen. Or so a recent rating filed with the PEGI age-rating board suggests, anyway.

Needs more cartoon snowmen.
While the jury's out on quite how the song list will work (the Singstar games usually come with some 30+ songs on the disc, and there's no way there's enough Frozen tunes to make up the numbers, even if you were to include the multitudes of fan mash-ups and remixes you can find on the internet), there's no doubt families around the world will appreciate being able to belt out the film's catchy tunes. While the make-up of the song list remains to be seen, we'd suspect there'll be a tracklist of other random songs - maybe from Disney's other films, maybe chart toppers - to bulk it out. We also wouldn't rule out what is essentially a festive favourites collection of tunes with enough Frozen songs to warrant the name.
Unfortunately, though, an age rating is about all we have to go on at this moment in time - a 3+, if anyone's interested - with the date helpfully down as the 2nd December, which the observant among you will note is today. Of course, the game seemingly isn't actually out today, as nowhere bar Amazon Italy (which has a basic 'notify me when it becomes available' option), has anything else about it at all. In the meantime, we'll keep our eyes peeled for more info, and hopefully things will be clearer in the coming weeks - so stay tuned!
UPDATE: While it had only originally been rated for the PS3, the game now also has a listing on the PS4 - so next-gen console owners won't have to be sad snowmen when the game releases.
UPDATE No.2: While Sony declined to respond to our request for information, they have replied to Digital Spy. And it's not good news. A rep from Sony said: "We are very excited to be bringing the phenomenally popular songs from Disney Frozen to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 with the launch of SingStar Frozen. Due to licensing restrictions, unfortunately SingStar Frozen is only available in selected territories at launch. However, we are working with Disney to bring it to other markets when possible and will share more information shortly."