With the sort-of-brand-new-but-not-really Pokemon Black/White Version 2 games due out fairly soon, you may be looking forward to your triumphant return to Unova, and catching 'em all a second time round. With a new plot in place, and a new legendary Pokemon by the name of Kyurem, who's even more powerful than Reshiram and Zekrom, to catch, the new games promise plenty of treats - but they're not the only Poke-games launching this year. While Pokemon Black and White 2 are both out for the DS, 3DS users will be able to call on the power of two new games/applications, in the form of Pokemon Dream Radar and Pokedex 3D Pro. Cast your mind back to the launch of the 3DS eShop around a year ago, and you may remember that Nintendo decided to launch their downloadable store alongside a funky little free downloadable application, Pokedex 3D, which let you view information about all 153 Pokemon from the original Pokemon Black and White games. Starting out with just sixteen entries, a combination of daily deliveries via SpotPass and trading with friends was needed to populate the entire Pokedex, which was no mean feat (and we still haven't managed to complete ours yet).

Kyruem is Pokemon Black/White Version 2's mega 'mon.
Launching later this year, Pokedex 3D Pro is basically an enhanced version of the old application, only this time, it comes complete with data on every one of the over six hundred Pokemon in existence so far - and, for maximum usefulness, the data regarding each creature will be available from the start, without the need to play SpotPass roulette every day. Bringing you information about each Pokemon's variants, evolutions, and moves that each 'mon learns at what levels, the Pokedex is a veritable treasure trove of information that only ever used to be accessible through guides, either online or in books, that's bound to help budding trainers get the most out of their Pokemon. That said, we do wonder how you'll be able to use it at the same time as the DS games, as you can't access the 3DS Home Menu from in a DS game - hopefully Nintendo have thought about this though, and built-in some way to connect the two - otherwise it might turn out to be a bit of a pointless download.
Unfortunately, unlike it's predecessor, Pokedex 3D Pro will be a paid for download from the eShop, although we have no information on a price as of yet. We're imagining both Pokedex 3D Pro and Pokemon Dream Radar will launch at around the same time as the Pokemon Black/White Version 2 DS games this autumn - but make sure you keep checking back for more details closer to the date.