The zombie apocalypse - some people think it's a load of nonsense, while others are already doing whatever they can to prepare themselves for the "inevitable". But with thousands of undead marching across your front lawn, what would you do? Surrender your grey matter to the hordes, or stand your ground and fight? Perhaps lowest on your list of priorities would be a spot of gardening, but as 2009's Plants vs. Zombies showed, that's exactly what you should do.
The original game, by casual kings PopCap, who've previously bought us the social-life-absorbing Peggle, Zuma, and Bejeweled, saw you fighting off hundreds of hungry zombies by planting all manner of flowers and vegetables in your front lawn - whether it was pea plants spitting out peas, a squash, that, well, tried to squash any unsuspecting zombies, giving them a terrible headache, or a massive nut to halt zombies in their tracks, your average trip to a garden centre was never the same again. By laying out the various plants in strategic positions on your lawn, you could fight back the ravenous hordes and survive - with the game being another example of why PopCap should be locked up for their services to procrastination.

It also came with mini-games, like the pictures "Co-op bowling". How many zombies can you knock down?
And so, to sound of the knocking knees of businessmen everywhere, PopCap have announced a mulch awaited sequel to the lawn-defence favourite is on its way - although we actually know very little about the title, beyond the fact it'll launch sometime later next year, in the spring. We are promised a whole plethora of new features, settings and situations, but beyond the promise of some new zombies and plants to fight them off with, we know nothing - not even which consoles we should be watching.
We do however have a few words from some of the series' well-known denizens to be going on with:
"Spring is crullest curlie ungood time, and plantz grow dull roots," noted an unidentified spokesperson. "So, we are meating you for brainz at yore house. No worry to skedule schedlue plan… we're freee anytime. We'll find you."
"There was a time we relished a bracing, hearty blend of zombies, in the morning," said Sonny F. Lower, a representative of the Flora Forever Foundation. "But first, a brisk shower and some strategic pruning are required. Tomorrow is near!"
"Tomorrow", in PopCap speak, apparently translates to Spring 2013, which is the closest we've got to a release date for the game we as yet know nothing about. Here's hoping more details will start to leak out soon.