Thanks to Yahoo finance, of all places (edit: link now dead, removed), the latest in the blockbuster shooter franchise, Halo: Reach now has a release date. On September 14th (15th in Japan), Halo: Reach will be released to the gaming masses worldwide.

On September 14th, this will be ours. Now, to place a pre-order.
The latest in the long running series of sci-fi shooters, Halo: Reach is a prequel of sorts, that deals with a group of genetically modified super soldiers known as Spartans, as they defend the planet Reach from attack by a band of religious nutter aliens known as the Covenant. With full two player split-screen co-op, and what promises to be an emotive storyline, just over a fortnight ago, Microsoft lifted the lid on the limited editions of the games you'd be able to buy - including one, pictured above, that costs a penny shy of a hundred squid. That said, it does include a rather fancy statue, and a whole host of bonus goodies.
With millions worldwide already having gone hands-on with the in-development beta version of Halo: Reach's multiplayer mode, thanks to Xbox Live, the clock is counting down for the game's developers, Bungie, to make the necessary changes. With the beta having been over three times as popular as Halo 3's, with some 2.7 million players taking part, we're sure they'll have plenty of decent suggestions to work with. With all this focus on multiplayer, though, we're just hoping the game's story and co-op campaign don't get somewhat left behind...
With the launch date now confirmed, we're counting down the days as we speak. It's 114 (inlcuding today), if you're keeping score at home too.