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Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy

A criminally overlooked "rhythm action" game from the early days of the 3DS, Theatrhythm takes a selection of songs from the immensely popular Final Fantasy series and turns them into a rather addictive, rhythmic button mashing game. Much like Guitar Hero and Rock Band, in Theatrhythm, coloured circles will move across the screen towards you, and as they cross the marker at the end it's up to you to do whatever the icon's asking you to do, whether it's swiping the stylus in the direction shown by an arrow, tapping the screen or holding it down for a while, all to the dramatic, moving, and suitably catchy orchestral tunes that the series is known for. As you play through the songs across three different difficulties, your little team of popular Final Fantasy characters will even level up, unlocking new skills, items and songs as you go - and as you're always just a few more points from unlocking the next new thing, it'll keep you coming back for more for a good long while.
Buy this if they like: Final Fantasy, music games, chocobos
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Bravely Default

Another game from the makers of the esteemed Final Fantasy series, Bravely Default may have a bit of a strange name, but it's a much more traditional role-playing game. Things are amiss in the land of Luxendarc, with many terrible events taking place as the power of the almighty crystals begins to wane - wind fails to blow, the seas swallow ships whole, and a village disappears into an abyss overnight. Worried about the fate of the world, a priestess sets off with her companions on a quest to get to the bottom of the problem, talking to villagers, solving quests, and defeating humongous bosses as she goes in a role playing game that should go down a treat with anyone who's ever played a Final Fantasy, a Tales Of... or a similar Japanese RPG. Battles are in the classic take-it-in-turns format, but with a bit of a twist, as each character has a number of 'Brave' points they can use to attack, cast spells or use skills, and a 'Default' option which defends while your points replenish, effectively 'saving up' your goes to be used back-to-back, letting you attack your opponents two, three or four times in a row. Clever use of these two options in battle along with the ability to create characters tailored to certain situations with the 'job' system means things can get a bit more tactical.
Buy this if they like: traditional RPGs, Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, Crystals
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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

A throwback to the Zelda games of old, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds sees everyone's favourite green elf Link stepping into the dark, parallel world of Lorule, as he sets out on a sword faring adventure to rescue Hyrule's seven sages, who've been kidnapped from his world and transformed into paintings at the whim of an evil wizard. As is always the way, little Link will have to explore an unusual land, and traipse through loads of puzzle-filled dungeons to be in with a chance of saving the world, with each fortress coming with its own unique challenges to solve. While the majority of the game's played from a top-down perspective, the dungeons themselves are set over several vertical levels, and you'll have to make use of one of Link's coolest new feature - the ability to turn into a flat, crayon-esque drawing of himself - in order to proceed. Helping you figure out what level platforms are on, scuttle through grates you'd usually be too big to squeeze through, and cross previously inaccessible caverns, A Link Between Worlds will mess with your mind, and is shaping up to be one of Link's finest adventures yet.
Buy this if they like: Adventure, Sword-fighting, Wall paintings
Check back soon for our full review.
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