The Sims 3 (3DS) Preview

Nights to Nintendo: Day Three!

The Sims 3 3DS Preview
18th March, 2011 By Sarah Morris

Ever since The Sims 3 was released on the PC way back in June 2009, we had our fingers firmly crossed for a console version that'd let us play on something that could actually run it. Way back when in October/November 2010, we got our wish, as The Sims 3 hit the 360, DS and Wii - but, never one to skimp on the amount of platforms their games are on, The Sims 3 will also be launching alongside the 3DS in a week's time. That being said, we thought it was about time to give you the lowdown on one of the launch titles you'll most likely be buying - if you're anything like us, that is.

The Sims 3 Screenshot

I never will understand the obsession The Sims has with flamingos...

For those of you who haven't come across The Sims before (and to be honest, you'll have been hard pushed not to), it's essentially a virtual dollshouse in your hand. Letting you create your own virtual person (which we usually base around us, and our loved ones), it's up to you to basically play as God, helping them to achieve their ever aspiration in life. Whether that's getting the job they've always dreamed about, marrying that girl next door, starting a family, or simply going to the toilet, you can do far more than just sit back and watch as the Sims go about their lives - it's up to you to delve in, and give them a helping hand to point them in the right direction. A simple concept, we're sure you'll agree, but it's proved to be one of the best selling games of all time.

The customisation is one of the things that always helps suck people into the game, and in the Sims 3, you can stamp your own personal touch on everything, from your Sim, to your bedsheets. In terms of customising your character, each and every Sim you create will be different - just like people in real life. When you put them together, you can choose from a number of individual traits that'll shape how they react to things in the world, and affect their chances at everything, from getting the girl to fall for them, to simply not managing to miss the bus in the morning. Of course, you can always lean in if things start to go too far wrong (or right, if you're a sadist), but sometimes it's fun to just watch them do it themselves.

Of course, should you ever decide you just have to shake things up a bit, there are plenty of tools at your disposal. If just clicking on your Sim and asking him to do something isn't having the desired effect, you can always deploy a Karma Powers. Billed as a new ways to mess with life, with a shake of the 3DS you can send forth an earthquake, set fire to something, or release a load of butterflies by blowing into the microphone.

We did get to have a go on the game in Amsterdam at the Discover 3DS event, but - in traditional Sims style, all that was on show there was the Create-A-Sim portion of the game, which, although it allowed us to create a hilarious, Angelina-Jolie-lipped version of ourselves, didn't show us enough of the game. We wanted more, dammit!

Looking to be a cross between the DS and Wii version of the Sims 3 in the palm of your hand, the Sims 3 on the 3DS will make full use of the some exclusive 3DS features. For starters, as we discovered in Amsterdam, you can take a picture of your face and have it create a Sim for you - although the results when we tried it were somewhat less than perfect. The game also makes use of the 3DS' StreetPass function, sending a copy of your insane, criminal mastermind Sim who's afraid of the outdoors to people you just happen to walk past in the street, whilst you'll receive a copy of one of theirs. Obviously, there must be a limit to the number of Sims you can acquire though, otherwise your city would be overpopulated with randoms and none of your own - but it's an interesting idea. We dread to think what sort of Sims we're going to end up with moving in after a stroll around the town...

The Sims 3 will be released on the same day as the Nintendo 3DS, and will have an RRP of £39.99.

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