The infamous Rabbids are back, and making their way onto the 3DS in their first platforming game, the imaginatively named Rabbids 3D. Or at least that's what we think it's called (based on the fact we now have a picture of the Rabbids 3D box), as Ubisoft seem to be having a bit of an identity crisis with this one, alternately referring to it as Rabbids 3D, and Raving Rabbids: Travel In Time - the same as the Wii game.
Following an eerily similar plot to the Wii game, the loveable Rabbids have somehow managed to come across a washing machine that can transport them through time, where they can cause their trademark chaos and generally mess up the course of history. But where the Wii game is essentially a collection of mini-games, the 3DS version takes a markedly different route, by turning it into a platform game. With levels taking place in various historical locations, it's up to you to hop, jump, and Bwwwwwaaahhhhhh your way from one end of a level to the washing machine at the other, jumping between platforms, avoiding traps and smashing your way through obstacles with your head as you go.
When we visited Amsterdam for the Discover 3DS event, we got a chance to have a go on Rabbids 3D, but before we got stuck into the two levels on offer, it was time to make sure our Rabbid was properly kitted out - cowboy dungarees and shirt, with a Tutankhamen mask seemed fitting. With out outfit sorted, it was on to the first level, which was set in prehistoric times, with pterodactyls and palm trees scrolling past in the background, and all manner of jungley obstacles to navigate as you went - with moving platforms, spiky pits and the like making an appearance. Scattered around each level are a number of items to help in your journey, too - toilet rolls that somehow restore your health, as well as coins and rubber swimming rings shaped like ducks.

Changing history through interpretive dance.
After having successfully negotiated the pitfalls and perils of the first level, it was on to the second, without much chance to stop for a breather. But where we could (and did) pretty much take as long as we needed on the first level, the second one had a time limit of sorts, in the shape of an angry dinosaur, which meant you had to be quick off the mark. Adding to the imminent doom that was running along behind you, there were the usual obstacles lying in your way, and moving platforms to navigate, as well as walls your Rabbid needs to headbutt his way through.

(Your Rabbid can) wear a tall hat like a druid in the old days...
Whilst not as impressive as some of the other games, the 3D effect added depth to the picture on the top screen - especially during the moments when the dinosaur moved his head out of the screen. While it's not as eye-catching as some of the other games on show, the subtle use of the 3D actually adds a lot more to Rabbids 3D, as we had a lot less trouble with this than the other games on show.
But even though Rabbids 3D didn't really do anything phenomenally different with the side-scrolling platform game, it was still one of my favourite games at the 3DS event - because sometimes games don't need to be innovative to be fun. Although the Rabbid's trademark slapstick humour that's normally present in the other Rabbids games did seem a bit absent in what we played, Ubisoft are assuring us that the "the usual laugh out loud slapstick humour" will be making a return in this game - and with the humour to back up the already strong gameplay, Rabbids 3D is certainly one to watch.
Second opinion: Ian Morris
I've always had something of a weakness for platform games starring cute characters, but even if you take the loveable, if somewhat odd Rabbids out of the equation, Rabbids 3D was easily one of the standouts of the show. With the 3D adding subtle depth to the platforming levels, and crisp, responsive controls letting you guide your Rabbid past the various obstacles, everything came together to make a fun, fluent, family friendly game - and any game with loads of collectibles instantly appeals to the OCD side of me. Although no-one else really seemed to pay much attention to it, it's only going to be their loss, as Rabbids 3D was easily one of the best games we played. Fingers crossed the full game'll be just as good. Bwaaah!