Continuing their torrent of downloadable awesomeness, Nintendo have updated the WiiWare store with three new games - one on the Virtual Console, and two on the WiiWare store. The WiiWare offerings couldn't be more different - one's an educational game aimed at children; the other's a zombie filled third-person shooter! Read on to find out more.

Virtual Console - Blaster Master™(Sunsoft, NES, 500 Wii Points)
Originally titled Meta Fight in Japan, this groundbreaking game was given a story makeover and released as Blaster Master™ in Europe, where it received strong critical acclaim and fan raves.
The New York sewers were never like this! You've fallen down a hidden manhole into a world of creatures so terrifying they'd scare the rats away. You can panic and perish, or blast your way through an endless maze of tunnels, searching for secret passages to aid your escape.
But that's the easy part. Watch out for the Masters of the Caverns who lie in wait - prehistoric creatures so powerful, so gigantic, they literally fill your screen. So load your arsenal and get ready for Blaster Master.

WiiWare - Learning with the PooYoos Episode 2(LEXIS NUMERIQUE, 500 Wii Points).
Welcome to the world of the PooYoos, the first fun, poetic brain-trainer for children 3-6 years old.
With the PooYoos, a merry band of adorable baby animals, children will have fun while learning the basics for his or her development. Going beyond the standard learning to read, write, and count, PooYoos introduces lateralisation, shapes, colours and more. With two levels of interactivity, all children whatever their age and level can play the activities based on plants and music.
Designed for children who've not yet grasped reading, PooYoos looks to be an educational game that does everything right. We should have a full review up in the next few days.

WiiWare - Zombie Panic in Wonderland(Akaoni Studio, 1,000 Wii Points)
Zombie Panic in Wonderland is a frantic third-person shooter with large doses of humour.
A sudden wave of zombies is attacking Wonderland. To save his friends from the spell of the "amorous zombies", with machine gun in hand, the player will have to solve the mystery of the "scented dwarves" and put an end to the evil power hidden in the castle in the northern city.
Cut scenes, music with lyrics, seven playable characters, hidden levels, final bosses, different weapons, lots of zombies attacking you at all times, explosions, demolitions, fire…it's a panic filled treat for players this week on WiiWare.
So, there you have it. Once again, something for everyone - check back in the next few days for full reviews of each!