With just five days to go until Nintendo's June 7th press conference at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (otherwise snappily known as E3), the Japanese gaming giant's currently putting the final touches on their showing, as they prepare to reveal to the world exactly what their newest console, Wii 2 is, what it can do, and, most importantly, what games we'll be playing on it. With so many rumours flying around the internet, it's an exciting time, as we try to diligently digest each nugget of information, in an attempt to separate fact from fiction, but at E3, we'll know for sure exactly what the Wii 2 has in store.
Luckily, the conference isn't only available to us journalist types, as anyone who's even got a passing interest in games can watch by simply visiting http://e3.nintendo.com/ at the appropriate time (5pm), to watch the live stream. But we know what you're thinking. You'd love to be one of the first to know all the latest Wii 2 details (and you really should keep checking back here, or follow us on Twitter or Facebook if you do), but you think a press conference sounds a bit boring. Won't it just be an hour and a half of statistics, bar graphs, and talk about SKUs? Luckily for you, we've come up with a way to make even the most boring E3 press conference all the more interesting:
Wii 2 (Project Cafe) Bingo!
That's right! All you have to do is print off the cards below, cut them out, and you, your friend, and your friend's friend can have an amazing time watching the Nintendo press conference, as you race to tick all the boxes off. If a new Kirby game gets announced - tick it off! A new Pokemon game? Tick that off too! Even if when they're talking about statistics, you've got things to watch out for here, making every second of the press conference an interesting one. And we thought Nintendo's press conference couldn't possibly get any more interesting.
Card 1:

Card 2:

And Card 3:

To avoid any confusion, we'll be playing along on Twitter and Facebook on the night of the conference, so if you're not sure whether you should have ticked one of the boxes off - don't panic - just send us an @ message, or see if we've mentioned ticking it off before. There aren't any prizes or anything either, before you ask - we're too stingy for that. It's just for the fun of taking part - and that's all that matters, right?
Either way, next Tuesday was always going to be an interesting time. Now, it just got even better.