In a move that should surprise no-one - but has left us excited - EA have just lifted the lid on a brand new expansion for the Sims. Since the series first debuted on the PC some 15 years ago (a year ago yesterday, in fact!), there's been scores and scores of add ons, expansion packs and 'stuff' packs to bring everything from seasons to IKEA furniture to magical powers to the game - and of course, the fan favourite, and now obligatory, Pets expansion. But EA's first foray into improving the lives of your Sims 4 characters isn't adding a furry friend - it's adding three new careers.
New jobs may sound a like a bit of a nothing - after all, pretty much every expansion pack in the history of the game has bought new careers with it - but these jobs are something special. For the first time in series' history, you can take much more control of your Sim while at work, whether they're delivering babies and curing diseases as a doctor, conjuring up wacky creations and crafting all manner of things as an inventor, or cracking mysterious cases as a detective - the perfect outlet for all those Sherlock Holmes obsessed Tumblrettes!

Perhaps the strangest way of performing a heart transplant we've ever seen...
But if none of those careers tickle your fancy, you can always strike out on your own and become a virtual entrepreneur. With this, players can set up their own shops and businesses - from bakeries and clothing boutiques to photography studios and art galleries, how you make your Simoleons is up to you. As long as it's within the realms of the Sims anyway - we doubt EA will let you go all GTA and open up a strip club, anyway (although you can probably find a fan mod for that, if you're so inclined).
While neither the idea of accompanying your Sims to work nor opening your own business are new, revolutionary features, the new careers do look somewhat interesting, and will seemingly be much more involved and varied than accompanying your Sim to a club and watching as they sing their heart out on stage as you would in the various Superstar-type expansions, for example. Setting up your own business is always a nice option too, even if the sheer amount of work our Sims 2 catering business involved saw us passed out on the floor from exhaustion as a queue got increasingly fed up and left. Get To Work should be hitting stores in April this year - why not check out the trailer below until then: