A few weeks ago, I was sitting casually chatting with another of our resident writers here, the wonderful Sarah, and we were discussing cars. Seeing as she doesn't exactly trust herself to drive in a straight line, yet alone doing so without crashing, she was a bit concerned that, should a small, furry animal try to cross the road in front of her, she wouldn't manage to avoid it. So she came up with an invention. Named the Small Animal Scoop, Sarah decided this would be a legal requirement for all cars. As you approached the animal, a scoop on the bottom of the car would drop down, and gobble up the terrified creature, before safely depositing it at the side of the road. Genius, she was convinced. And it seems the makers of Saint's Row: The Third think so too.

The Saints Row: The Third pre-order bonuses in all their glory
Had Sarah actually managed to take her idea through to completion, it's likely this is what she would have come up with. A giant, pink, cat faced car, with a whopping great cannon strapped to the top. Announced today as part of the pre-order pack for Saints Row: The Third, if you place a pre-order for the game at any one of a number of retailers (and you can get it here at GAME for £39.99), you'll get the bizarrely named Professor Genki's Hyper Ordinary Pre-Order Promotion Pack free.
Containing the things you can see in the picture above, the pack lets you drive around in "Professor Genki's Super Ballistic Man-a-pult", otherwise known as that pink car up there, that swallows pedestrians and enemies alike in its malevolent mouth, before blasting them into the sky through the cannon, and also lets you dress up as Professor Genki himself, in a strange, green and white jumpsuit with a giant cat's head. Rounding off the package is "Professor Genki's "Octopuss" Cannon", which lets you fire mind-controlling octopi at your foes, turning them onto your side!
Saints Row: The Third is the latest game in the hyper popular Saints Row series, and looks to be shaping up to be much of the same. Over-the-top, tongue in cheek, and at times outrageously funny, Saints Row: The Third is a free-roaming sandbox game that lets you go anywhere and do anything, with an entire city to explore, or destroy, and a huge range of toys to help you explore it. Whether you want to cruise around the industrial town of Steelport hunting for collectibles, or follow the twisting, involving, and, if it's anything like the other games, incredibly well written storyline, there's something for everyone here - and it's genuinely funny, to boot.
Saints Row: The Third is set for release this November on Xbox 360 and PS3. To get a taste of what's lying in store for you, check out the trailer below.