If you were one of the 2 billion people around the globe who tuned into watch the Royal Wedding, the chances are it's been on your lips ever since. People can't get enough of the young couple's love story - but somewhere, deep down inside, don't you just wish it was you? We all want to be swept away by our Prince or Princess, and while having the whole world watching your wedding may not be for everyone, there's no denying it's a heck of a spectacle to be involved in. Besides, why should she get all the fun?
Thanks to Kinect game YooStar 2, however, now, you can put everything right, and create you can make your own Disney moment, nabbing yourself a Prince or Princess in the process, with the release of the new Royal Wedding kiss scene for YooStar 2.
The Kinect exclusive title, YooStar 2 was always something of an interesting idea. Taking scenes from popular films, and digitally removing the actors, before, through the magic of Kinect, asking you to take the lead role, the game is one of the stronger Kinect titles, thanks to a unique concept that delivers bucketloads of fun.
By downloading the Royal Wedding kiss scene from the Xbox Live Marketplace today, all you need to do is push a button, and it'll be you on the balcony, rather than Kate, stealing a Prince - or, vice versa. So ham it up, and savour the moment, because remember - a third of the world's watching. Best of all, the new scene's available completely free of charge - so you've got no excuses.Nor, it seems, did Duke Nukem. As part of his UK to promote the upcoming first person shooter, Duke Nukem Forever, which saw him flex his biceps outside GAME, the venerable womaniser and all around cad decide to plant one on the new Dutchess of Cambridge, before jetting back to America to brag about his conquest.

Still, we kind of wish he'd stayed a bit longer. We'd love to know how to get biceps like that...