It's been over a year since we originally heard news that a game was in the works based on the famously dark Psycho-Pass anime series, and even then it was just in Japan and, weirdly enough, exclusive to the Xbox One. That in itself had us worried it'd never see the light of day on these shores - but now, our fears have been laid to rest, as NIS America have announced that they'll be bringing visual novel Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness to Europe - and it'll be available on the PS4 and Vita! Not that much of a surprise, as most the anime related games we've had so far have favoured the Sony systems over Microsoft.
To give you a basic low-down of what Psycho-Pass is all about, think not-too-far-off future, where technology has been advanced so that your mental state is monitored, and if you are deemed to be a threat to society then you will be dealt with. The system that does the monitoring is called the Sybil System, which takes a reading of your mind and determines your stress level and your personal capacity to commit crimes. This reading is called the Psycho-Pass (bet you were wondering when the title would come into it!). Someone with a not-so-good reading can be offered therapy sessions to try and prevent it from worsening, but ultimately, if you lose control, the detectives of the Public Safety Bureau will take care of you. The bureau is made up of Enforcers who investigate crimes and arrest criminals, and their bosses, the Inspectors.
The events of Mandatory Happiness will take place during the same time period as the first series of the anime. We've been promised new characters with in-depth storylines, but have not yet seen any info on who they will be. It sounds like there's going to be plenty of tricky choices for us to make in the game, too, with a branching storyline depending on the options we choose, much like in the Telltale Games series, such as Minecraft Story Mode and The Walking Dead seasons one and two.

Who knows what these two are saying - but it looks suitably serious
Here's what we know so far about the game:
- You get to choose who you play as either Nadeshiko Kugatachi, an Inspector who has lost her memories, and is a calm and serious worker, or hot-headed Enforcer Takuma Tsurugi, who takes it upon himself to search for his missing childhood friend.
- As we previously mentioned, you'll get to make your own decisions in the game, each one with their own repercussions and rewards.
- Depending on these choices, the Psycho-Pass of the characters involved can worsen beyond redemption, the cases you are given to solve might end up unresolved, and the game itself could end quicker than expected!
We love a game with choices, and the push-pull emotions of not knowing if you're making the right choice, combined with the pay off if things go right! If this game turns out anywhere near as dark and thrilling as the anime series, we're in for treat! Equally impressively, the game's set for both a physical and digital release "late this year" throughout Europe and North America. Hopefully a more solid release date will follow soon.