With a spate of upcoming releases, it's looking set to be a busy few months for Pokemon fans. With a new offering on the DS in the form of Pokemon Black Version 2 and Pokemon White Version 2 leading the pack, a modified version of last year's Pokemon Black and White that looks set to reignite our Poke-fever all over again, as we raise our squad, battle other trainers and try to catch 'em all, there's also a few other handy downloadable applications/games due to launch at around the same time (at least if you have a 3DS), in the form of Pokemon Dream Radar and Pokedex 3D Pro. Those of you that already own a 3DS may well be familiar with the pre-installed game, Face Raiders, and if you are, you'll already have a pretty good idea of how Pokemon Dream Radar's going to work. Taking its cues from Face Raiders, but with a whole lot more awesome, the game makes use of the 3DS's built in cameras to make silhouettes of Pokemon look like they're flying through your living room, kitchen, or house in general, rather than the disturbing versions of your friends and family we had in Face Raiders. By moving the 3DS system up, down, left and right, you can capture these rare or hard to find Pokemon by firing at them, with the game letting you transfer across any caught Pokemon for use in Pokemon Black/White Version 2. And how cool is that?

Missed again...
So far there's no news of a release date, although we'd expect it to launch at the same sort of time as the DS game in the autumn of this year. Unfortunately, unlike the previously free Pokedex 3D download, both Pokedex 3D Pro and Pokemon Dream Radar will need to be purchased from the eShop - although there's no word on price either, so we're hoping for something pretty cheap. Make sure you keep checking back over the next few days, as we're sure to get more news on the two downloadable companion games, as well as Pokemon Black/White Version 2 in the coming weeks.