Nintendo announce new console - the 3DS

It's not an April fools - real 3D gaming on a handheld, without glasses!

Nintendo announce new console the 3DS
23rd March, 2010 By Ian Morris

When we first heard this news, we weren't sure what to believe - to be honest, we still aren't, but we can at least confirm it's official.

Nintendo have announced that the next iteration of the DS will be known as the 3DS - a handheld console that has 3D graphics (as in, popping-out-of-the-screen-at-you), and doesn't require 3D glasses.

Let's just take a moment for that to sink in.

It's believed to be using a Sharp 3D screen, but other than that, there's precious little information available at the moment - rumour or otherwise. Luckily, it looks like we won't have to wait very long to find out the specifics, as Nintendo have revealed that it'll be demoing the new console to the gaming press at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles at Nintendo's press briefing - which takes place on the 15th of June, with a view to launching the console this fiscal year - so, before March 2011!

In our opinion, this announcement has come completely out of left field - we didn't see this coming at all. Having just released the DSiXL, Nintendo are playing a very risky game, and potentially alienating a large chunk of their key market by announcing the new console so soon - effectively rendering the shiny new DSiXL (that millions of people have bought), redundant in a matter of months.

Outside the risk of alienating the market, there's also the question of how well the 3D aspect will work - and if it'll suit a handheld platform. The DS was a revolution in gaming because of its control scheme - it made it easy for people of all ages to get involved, and opened the doors to countless types of games that had never been attempted before - just look at Brain Training. It simply wouldn't have been possible on anything else.

But how can 3D have the same effect? Yes, it'll look impressive from a technical standpoint, but what benefit will it bring to the games? What will it allow games to do that they haven't been able to do before?

Despite our reservations, we still remain quietly confident in Nintendo, and look forward to them showing their hand. With a massive market lead on their side, we're fairly sure Nintendo wouldn't risk doing anything that may be damaging to their reputation.

Either way, we can expect a massive media blowout come June 15th, with a bevy of new, 3D games.

We'll bring you more as soon as we get it.

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