New Screenshots for Sonic Generations

Chemical Plant Zone and Metal Sonic get the spotlight

New Screenshots for Sonic Generations
22nd July, 2011 By Lee Price

Ah Sonic Generations. Depending on your viewpoint it's either going to be a long overdue return to what Sonic used to be all about or its an attempt to bleed a little money out of fans of the Megadrive who still have fond memories of the blue blur and the top quality games he starred in back in the early 1990's.

Sonic seems pretty nonplussed by this...

In all fairness to SEGA's iconic mascot, he has experienced a return to form of late. Sonic 4: Episode 1 and Sonic Colours were both well received by critics, garnering praise that the hedgehog hasn't experienced since the days of Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast. The titles are seen by many as a return to form for Sonic, with an increased focus on the high speed gaming that made Sonic so enjoyable in the first place.

Hopefully Sonic Generations looks set to continue that trend, as SEGA look to mix the old with the new in an attempt to create a game that will satisfy the entirety of the Sonic fanbase. The old school chubby Sonic design will be set to meet to newer sleek model as the game aims for a bit of a Sonic culture clash.

Now he's a little bit more concerned...

Regardless, SEGA seem determined to get the older fans on board with their latest announcement. Fans of Sonic 2 especially will rejoice as SEGA have announced the appearance of the Chemical Plant Zone and Metal Sonic. The Chemical Plant Zone was one of the most beloved levels in Sonic 2 on the Megadrive, with it's high speed design and poisonous toxic water proving to be an early challenge in the game after being eased in with the Emerald Hill Zone.

Metal Sonic also put in his first appearance in Sonic 2, acting as the right hand robot to Robotnik and instantly gaining a measure of popularity due to his cool appearance. He has been a pretty popular Sonic villain ever since so gamers of a certain vintage will be delighted to see him.

Metal Sonic chills out while our hero bolts.

SEGA have also released a bunch of new screenshots to whet the appetite, as you will have noticed due to their being liberally scattered throughout the article. All we know is that the appearance of Metal Sonic has gotten us excited and we can't wait to see what else Sonic Generations has in store for us.

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