Seemingly, there are few pop culture franchises that LEGO can't mesh well with to create an amazing game. From Star Wars to Harry Potter, and from Indiana Jones to Pirates of the Caribbean, we've been treated to countless co-op classics over the years - and now there's another one coming, in the shape of LEGO Batman 2.
For those who missed out on the original, LEGO Batman saw you playing as the caped crusader himself, along with trusty sidekick Robin, doing what they do best - fighting crime. With the trademark Lego humour (setting fire to people's trousers, falling over and the like), a few simple puzzles and a trusty sidekick for a friend to play as, Lego Batman was a firm favourite with the folks at Everybody Plays for a long while (seeing as finding all the collectables swallows up your life). With three separate adventures, from putting a stop to the Riddler's plans to rob the bank, to preventing The Penguin's penguin army from taking over Gotham City, to stopping the spread of the Joker's laughing gas, a heroes work was never done. And then you could do it all again, but playing as the villains - which was probably the highlight of the game as the bad guys ALWAYS get the best weapons. Case in point being The Joker's buzzer, Mr Freeze's freezy gun and Harley Quinn's giant squeaky hammer, and many more besides.

Batman don't feel like dancin', dancin', rather be home with Alfred than at this Gotham City do...
And as we're of the opinion you can never have too many Lego games, we were beyond chuffed when we heard of Warner Bros. plans to bring out a second Batman game. Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes adds to the roster of Batman, Robin and The Joker with other super heroes from the DC comic books - such as Wonder Woman and the Green Lantern, as well as villains such as Superman's Lex Luthor. Of course, new bad guys mean that Batman and Robin need to up their game a bit, and have gained a few new weapons, gadgets and abilities to lend a hand - such as Batman's Power Suit, Robin's Hand Cannon and the new super breath and heat vision abilities.
As of yet, there's not a whole lot more information available - no sign of a release date or anything of the sort. All we know is that there'll be versions for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii, PC, DS, 3DS and Playstation Vita - pretty much everything going, really. Judging by the trailer below, it also seems there's a chance the characters may have voices, although we're not entirely sure how we feel about that... See for yourself below.