So, this week starts yet another of Microsofts 'promotions' - and you guessed it, every single game in this month's 'Game Feast' promotion is 1200 Microsoft Points (about £10.00). Wahey. And we're sure they picked the name 'Game Feast' just so that we'd struggle coming up with an alternative name, like we did with the Summer of Overprice.

Surely it's not a good idea to be in all that water, with all those electircal items around.
Price: 1200 Microsoft Points (about £10.00)
Onboard a mega fancy, city-sized ocean liner known as the 'Queen of the World', people have lived in comfort for many years, whilst outside there has been a population explosion, leading to starving and suffering. A load of terrorists, known as the 'Malthusians' have decided to take matters into their own hands, and have decided the best way to solve the problem is to murder the vast majority of humans to ease the suffering for those who are left. They also seem to have taken a dislike to the 'Queen of the World', (which doesn't really make all that much sense to us, seeing as one "city sized" ship's hardly going to contain even a small percentage of the world's population) and decide to attack it, taking it over. Playing as Kate Wilson, you become the reluctant hero of the story as you struggle through levels filled with water, which - depending on how you react to it - can alter the way the level behaves. Doors or windows might blow, letting more water flow in, forcing you underwater, or a stray bullet may hit an explosive oil barrel, releasing a little floating fires that you'll need to avoid.
In Hydrophobia, the terrorists are the least of your worries.