Wario and the Diamond City crew are back for some more mental mini-game action in the strangely titled Game & Wario, launching for the Wii U later this year. In much the same way as WarioWare: Smooth Moves for the Wii made innovative use of the Wii Remote, Game & Wario sets out to make the most of the Wii U GamePad controller - although instead of the quick-fire craziness of the previous WareWare titles, things here seem a lot more sedate and calm. Which, for a game starring the garlic chomping evil brother Wario, seems a little bit strange odd. Only four of the different games have been detailed though so far, though, so only time will tell how accurate a representation they are of the finished thing.
With this single-player game, you'll need to defeat the swarms of enemies that appear on the screen by aiming your trusty arrows. By turning the Wii U GamePad to be portrait rather than landscape, you can use the high-tech Wario-moustache-shaped bow and arrow shown on the Touch Screen to take out the legions of high tech robotic mini Warios that are threatening your land.

Another solo game, this one has players leading a skier down a slope to the finish line as fast as they can in order to get the gold medal. As before, you'll need to hold the Wii U GamePad vertically, tilting it left and right to turn, whilst your character performs a bunch of show-off moves on the TV screen to entertain your audience.

WarioWare staple locale Diamond City seems to have become a hive of criminal activity for this next game, and it's up to you to find the ne'er-do-wells around town and bring them to justice. Or at least, take a few pictures of them by pointing the Wii U GamePad at the characters on screen that match up with the wanted posters before you run out of time.

The only multiplayer game announced so far, Fruit has one player controlling one of the many characters ambling about on the TV screen, attempting to steal as much of the fruit scattered around town as they can, as covertly as possible. When they're done, the thief then passes the GamePad on to the remaining two to four players who need to try and figure out which character performed the dastardly deed.

Somewhat disappointingly, the vast majority of these games seem to be single-player - which seems a little bit odd, given the mental multiplayer focus of the WarioWare series it's based on. But as there's more games still to be announced, we'll keep our fingers crossed that the full game has a lot more games for everyone to join in with. As with every single Wii U game so far, we only know Game & Wario will launch sometime towards the end of the year - so keep checking back for more.