One of the cooler things about Pokemon - the monster catching, battling and raising sensation that's enthalled generations of people over the past two decades - is the regular free Pokemon giveaways that happen throughout each year. Letting those who own the latest games download exclusive, rare Pokemon to their console, free of charge, we've been treated to brand new Pokemon, different colour "shiny" Pokemon, like Gengar - and now, in this big anniversary year for Pokemon, we've gone back to where it all began, with a giveaway of the elusive Mew.
One of the rarest Pokemon around, Mew has long been one of the trickiest of all legendary Pokemon to catch, having almost exclusively only been available in the games as part of a special distribution event (bar Heart Gold/Soul Silver and Emerald), even going all the way back to the original Red and Blue, despite what your friends at the time may have told you. While every man and their dog believe that if you played a Poke-flute at a certain time of day next to a truck next to a ship with your leg tucked behind your ear whilst whispering "Pikachu is great" at your Game Boy when the stars were aligned just right, Mew was actually only available as part of a special event download in the original games - but now, you can get your very own for Pokemon X, Y, Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire by simply heading down to your local GAME store.

A far cuter relation of Mewto - but every bit as powerful - the Mew in the distribution will be coming ready pumped at level 100, even if according to the press release, it'll also be coming with just one move - Pound. In order to get Mew in your game, all you need to do is stroll up to the counter at your local GAME, and ask for a free Mew code, at which point the helpful staff will hand you an exclusive download code, printed on a receipt. Once you've got back home, all you'll need to do is:
- Connect your 3DS to the internet.
- Load up Pokémon Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, X, or Y.
- Select MYSTERY GIFT on the main menu.
- Select RECEIVE GIFT, then YES.
- Select GET WITH CODE, then YES, then YES again to connect to the internet.
- Enter your code.
- Watch as you receive your Mythical Pokémon Mew.
- Speak to the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center to receive your Mew.
- Be sure to save your game!
And that's it! You're now the proud owner of a brand new Mew, and without having to resort to any crazy rituals to get it! If only we knew this back when we were in primary school. Available from 1st February all the way through to the 28th, you've got plenty of time to get round to grabbing yourself a code - but make sure you don't miss out!