First PS4 launch titles revealed

Knack, DriveClub and Killzone make up the first three titles.

First PS4 launch titles revealed
21st June, 2013 By Ian Morris

It's safe to say last week was a pretty big week in terms of all things Playstation 4. At the huge gaming convention, E3, Sony lifted the lid on almost everything about their new home console, unveiling the machine itself, its price, and a load of new games and features for their latest and greatest creation. But one thing they didn't announce - as it's likely slightly too early to have things fully locked down - was a full list of launch titles for their brand new system. And as arguably the single most important part of any decision when it comes to deciding which console to buy, the line-up of games that'll be available on day one is crucial.

Luckily, as E3 drew to a close, news began to trickle out of the first three officially confirmed Playstation 4 launch games - all of which, funnily enough, are published by Sony themselves. Let's take a look at what you'll have the choice of on day one:


Easily one of our most anticipated Playstation 4 games, the gorgeous Knack is a Pixar-style platform adventure that puts you in control of the lovable titular robot, Knack. In the story here, humanity finds itself engaged in a war with the goblins - and the only thing that may be able to turn the tide is a tiny little robot, with a very cool power. As you smash things up in the levels, Knack can absorb their fragments, using them to make himself larger. The bigger you get, the stronger you'll become - and some of the things you absorb will even give you special powers, too. Whether you become flaming Knack by sucking up bits of burning wood, or ice Knack by absorbing icicles, the composition of your new, giant robot will be of importance in the levels, too - step into the sun as ice Knack, and you'll shrink down to your normal size within a matter of minutes. It's a great looking game, and one we're really looking forward to.

Killzone: Shadow Fall

It wouldn't be a console launch without a first person shooter, and burly sci-fi shooter Killzone: Shadow Fall ticks that box for the Playstation 4. Taking the series in a markedly different direction, Shadow Fall adds much larger environments, and even tinges of colour to what up until now has been a game better known for its Fifty Shades of Brown. Set on the planet of Vekta, a lush, green world where two factions, the Helghast, and the ISA are at war over space and resources, Killzone: Shadow Fall promises some explosive shooter action with open, expansive levels that are much wider in scope compared to the linear corridors we've come to expect. If you're into your shooters, Shadow Fall's certainly one to keep an eye on.


Ticking another launch game box is PS4 racer Driveclub, which brings its own special take on burning rubber to the new system. More of a realistic racer than a power-up fuelled take on Mario Kart, Driveclub pairs insanely detailed models of hideously expensive cars with an open world to race them around. Letting you form a team with a group of friends and compete in challenges against others from across the globe, one of the more interesting features about Driveclub is that a stripped down version of the game, which will include all the game's modes and features, but only a limited number of cars, will be included as a free download for those who subscribe to Playstation Plus, Sony's online service that grants its users over a dozen free games a year, plus access to online play on the Playstation 4.


Covering all the main bases, with a game for fans of shooters, racing games, and a brilliant looking platformer too, Sony's Playstation 4 line-up is already looking solid enough. With countless titles yet to be unveiled, and plenty of games coming from other developers for launch day, it's safe to say it can only get stronger from here on in. All eyes will now be looking to European games convention Gamescom this August for news of a specific release day, and a more complete look at the new console's launch line-up.

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