Gaming announcements are usually ten a penny, but this is a game that has us genuinely interested. Coming this November, just in time for Christmas, comes EA's Create - a game which, other than an approximate release date, title, a handful of screenshots and a rather vague explanation, we know very little about.
From the sounds of it, it's going to play out a little bit like Scribblenauts - an awesome little game on the Nintendo DS, in which you're free to solve puzzles using whatever objects you can think of - anything from dinosaurs and ninjas to sandwiches and flamethrowers (toasted sandwich, anyone?) - to try and grab the starite and finish the level.
Harvey Elliot, the Vice President and General Manager at EA Bright Light, says "Create uses families' imaginations to develop new ways to play together that are both fun and challenging. We wanted to design a game where the entire family can explore, decorate, and solve challenges where no solution is wrong and the only limit is the imagination.". By exploring in the game - solving challenges, customising things and designing environments using the built in brushes, tools, props and objects - more rewards can be unlocked.

It even includes a surfing bike!
So there you go - a rather ropey and vague explanation of EA Create. We should have more concrete information on this potentially quite interesting game soon - so stay tuned.