We love PopCap, but this week, we're not entirely sure what they think they're doing, releasing Plants vs. Zombies for a whopping 1200 Microsoft Points (about £10.00) - especially considering every other PopCap game on the Xbox Live Arcade was 800 Microsoft Points (about £6.67) - Peggle, Bejeweled 2 and Astropop to name but a few. One has even been permanently discounted - Zuma can now be bought for 400 Microsoft Points (about £3.33). We think something fishy is going on. And it has nothing to do with Feeding Frenzy.

Price: 1200 Microsoft Points (about £10.00)
Plants vs. Zombies is a tower defence game - you build rows and rows of various plants in front of your house to take out the advancing zombie hordes. Each type of plant has a different zombie-beating ability - peashooters fire peas to kill the zombies; sunflowers collect more sun, so you can plant more of the other plants; and wallnuts distract the zombies, stopping them getting to your other plants, giving your peashooters etc chance to take them down.

Price: 800 Microsoft Points (about £6.67)In this dancing game you get to pick a character, customise it and take the whole world by storm with your dancing ability. You can use either a regular Xbox 360 controller, where the green, red, blue and yellow buttons correspond to the A, B, X and Y buttons respectively, or you can use the Dancing Stage Dance Mat to play. And don't worry if you have two left feet - a helpful choreographer and dancer (Detlef D! Soost if you know these things) will take you through the routines step by step.