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Best Playstation 4 Games for an 8 Year Old

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Age (3-11+):
Mature Content:
What does this mean?
Age by Complexity
One of the biggest problems when it comes to buying games for children is knowing whether your child will actually be able to cope with it. While the rating on the box gives you an idea about the content, it doesn't actually tell you anything about a game's complexity - so a text heavy strategy game can still have a 3+ rating on the box. In contrast, we give each game an "Ability Level" rating based on its difficulty, complexity and reading, known as EPALs, or Everybody Plays Ability Level (more info). By choosing an age above, you can filter our database by age, to find games you can be sure your child will be able to enjoy.
Mature Content
Knowing your child will be able to handle a game is great - but if it's full of swearing, violence, or sex, you still may not want your child playing it. This filter lets you set the absolute maximum level of Mature Content you'd be happy with.

Games in Green will contain, at the absolute most, very little, very mild swearing and cartoon, non-realistic violence; those in Orange may feature more frequent swearing, blood, and realistic impacts from weapons; while Red games may feature strong swearing, bloody violence, or explicit sex.
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The Crew 2

EPAL Ability Level
Level 4
Content Rating

Air, sea and land racing - great! Always online requirement? Errrr....

Genre(s): Racing (Arcade)

The Girl and the Robot

An unlikely duo join forces in this puzzling fairytale adventure

Genre(s): Adventure, Puzzle

Get The Girl and the Robot from...
Price correct as of 00:40, Tuesday 4th of March 2025, may not include postage. More info
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