We predict the future of gaming for 2015

Predictions? We love these!

We predict the future of gaming for 2015
10th January, 2015 By Ian Morris

Now the last mince pie has been eaten, the Christmas tree put away and Auld Lang Syne has been thoroughly sung, the new year is well and truly here. But what does it mean for games? 2014 may not have been a very momentous year, filled with remakes, delays and the over hyped shooter Destiny - but it's been pretty good for Everybody Plays. Our family Game Finder has gone from strength to strength; we went to gamescom in Germany, where Sarah ended up almost being refused entry, because she'd taken the wrong year's pass; and we launched our Pokemon Personality Quiz, which more than 67,000 people have taken so far (most of whom, worryingly, have come out as Espurr - with a fair few Magikarps thrown in for good measure). Still, with the year now behind us, and both the Xbox One and PS4 hitting their one year anniversaries, it seems as good a time as any to look back at years gone by, and make some predictions for the future.

So, team Everybody Plays, along with a load of other game sites/blogs, sat down with retailer GAME to talk about our favourite games and consoles of all time, our earliest game memories and what the future may hold for our much-loved hobby. While everyone else seems to be filled with hope, we've dug deep into our bitter, jaded journalist pockets to come up with some predictions we think are pretty much spot on - more shooters, fewer publishers taking risks, and more microtransactions. On a related note, it's harder than you'd imagine to choose a single favourite game - Kirby, Zelda or Pokemon?! HOW DO WE CHOOSE?!

See what we, and other talking heads from the gaming media, think is about to happen in the handy "infographic" below:

Video Gaming State of Play Looking at everyone else's picks, we can't help noticing a bit of a theme - shooters, sports games and an awful lot of Xbox 360 fans, lauding the virtues of online gaming and digital downloads. Perhaps we're the weirdos, but give us a sofa, some friends and a copy of Smash Bros. any day...

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